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While all other versions of the Windows Media Player were able to stream music, version 12 extends and simplifies media sharing across the network and the Internet. The new Play To feature allows you to share your media content with other computers running Windows 7 on your local network. The Remote Media Streaming makes your media library available over the Internet when you are on the road.
Smarter DVD playback, iDevice support (with required plug-ins and iTunes installed alongside), 15-second song previews and Jump Lists are some of the features that are worth mentioning. While the first three features are quite obvious, Jump Lists need explanations. They allow you to navigate through your media library amazingly fast; in addition, Jump Lists can be customized to fit your needs and style.
As usual, WMP options are overwhelming. It is a good and a bad thing at the same time. There are many settings to change, but a regular user won't need to tweak any of them, and an advanced user won't find what he is looking for. Yet again, Microsoft managed to add a lot, but nothing of substance.
WMP 12 does not include some of the features that were available in the previous versions of the program, including the taskbar-intergrated mini-player (some controls are now available in the application's thumbnail preview in the taskbar, however), the advanced tag editor, and the party mode. The player cannot be used with operating systems older than Windows 7. WMP 11, on the other hand, can be officially downloaded from Microsoft's servers and used with many of the previous versions of Windows operating system.
Секрет Is it for XP only?
更改国外ip软件 Windows Media Player works faster.
brijesh kumar It is too good.